Wednesday, August 29, 2018

My Favorite Books for Model Prayers

In chapter 1 of D. A. Carson’s book “A Call to Spiritual Reformation: Priorities from Paul and His Prayers”, Don Carson explains 8 lessons he has learned from scripture and from more mature Christians.  One of these lessons is learning to listen to some good model prayers. Here are some excerpts from that section of chapter 1.
“Most of us can improve our praying by carefully, thoughtfully listening to others pray. This does not mean copying everything we hear. . . . Not every good model provides us with exactly the same prescription for good praying, exactly the same balance. All of them pray with great seriousness; all of them use arguments and seek goals that are already portrayed in Scripture. Some of the seem to carry you with them into the very throne room of the Almighty; others are particularly faithful in intercession, despite the most difficult circumstances in life and ministry; still others are noteworthy because of the breadth of their vision. All are characterized by a wonderful mixture of contrition and boldness in prayer.”
Models prayers have different personalities.  Some are chatty others formal, some use a simple vocabulary while others are erudite and others reflect the geography or time period they were written. However, good model prayers will in some reflect the priority of scripture. Learn from these prayers, not to copy, but to inform and shape your own praying.
  1. The Pastor in Prayer: A Collection of the Sunday Morning Prayers of Charles Spurgeon
  2. My Grandmother is … praying for me: daily prayers and proverbs for character development in grandchildren by March, Ferris and Kelton
  3. The Lutheran Book of Prayer: 1951 edition
  4. Everyday Prayers: 365 Days to a Gospel-Centered Faith by Scotty Smith
  5. The Collects of Thomas Cranmer by Barbee and Zahl
  6. Great Souls At Prayer: Fourteen centuries of Prayer, Praise and Aspiration, from St. Augustine to Christina Rossetti and Robert Louis Stevenson selected and arranged by Mary W Tileston
  7. The One Year book of Personal Prayer by Tyndale House
  8. Prayers from Plymouth Pulpit by Henry Ward Beecher
  9. A Diary of Private Prayer by John Baillie
  10. The Book of Common Prayer – The Anglican, Episcopal and Presbyterian churches all have one.
  11. A Simple Way to Pray by Archie Parrish
  12. New Morning Mercies: A Daily Gospel Devotional by Paul David Tripp
  13. A Method for Prayer by Matthew Henry
  14. Valley of Vision: A Collection of Puritan Prayers and Devotions by Arthur Bennett
  15. Face to Face: Praying the Scriptures For Spiritual Growth by Kenneth Boa
  16. Prayer Portions Sampler for the Family by Sylvia Gunter
  17. The Divine Hours: Prayers For Summertime by Phyllis Tickle
  18. God is No Stranger by Sandra Burdick

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Book Review - Next Life by Dave Swavely

I am not sure what either the Apostle Paul or the Apostle John meant my being “caught up”, but I think their experience had a different focus than protagonist Pastor Tim Carler. I think the Bible describes the IS as being more about worshipping God while we wait for the Second Coming, than in being ministering spirits to the living. That aside, this truly was a very interesting read.

Unlike other fiction books that attempt to describe the intermediate state, the conversational style of the author interacted with scripture in competent ways. It was usually quite clear what was mere speculation and what had biblical support. Although I liked the biblical references that explained his understanding of what was happening, the net effect was to have a good story that kept getting interrupted with explanations.
I did like the way the book ended. In closing the book, Dave Swavely describes the evidence he finds for the events he participated in as a ministering Angel.  Particularly interesting and helpful was the backup data he found for Hitler’s decision to invade Germany.

As a book of fiction that gets us thinking about heaven, this is a worthwhile read. 

Monday, August 20, 2018

Book Review – The Mona Lisa Mirror Mystery by Latayne C. Scott

Here is a book that is short, clear, inexpensive, with substantial content and written for teens. Being only 78 pages, it can easily be read in two evenings. If you like the fantasy novels of Madeleine L’Engle or C.S. Lewis then you will probably like this book.

While I was not particularly drawn to the everyday conversation between the main character Addy and her teenage friends, I was drawn to the art history of the painting of the Mona Lisa as Addy was ‘whooshed’ back into time when she looked at the painting. Here is Art History told as a story, which made it more memorable then reading it in an Art History Book.

A side theme included an apt apologetic for the truth claims of the bible. When Michaela, one of Addy’s friends says the bible is “A book [that] can be true, have truth in it, without being real” we get treated to a developing dialogue between Addy and her dad and Addy and Michaela which eventually leads to the apologetic Lee Strobel uses to prove the historicity of Jesus Christ. Well done without being preachy.

While this book is a fantasy, the book also portrayed the reality of living in a broken world. One of Addy’s friends has weird behavior around an Uncle, which I think too predictably turns out to be because he is a sexual predator. This part of the story is written without details, but does reveal the value in telling parents when inappropriate behavior is taking place.

All in all, a good read, even for this 70 year old reviewer!

Friday, August 3, 2018

Book Review - Departing In Peace: Decision Making At the End of Life by Bill Davis

“Decisions at the end of life create deep anxiety for those involved. But it is possible to find peace and comfort amid the hard choices”– The Publisher. 
This book is undoubtedly the best book I have found on the subject. First, the author has had extensive experience on hospital ethics committees and has taught bioethics at Covenant College and Pastoral & Social Ethics at Reformed Theological Seminary. Second, his experience as a Ruling Elder in the Presbyterian Church of America has given him experience advising parents and children in making Biblically based end of life decisions. Third, the biblical analysis and practical advice offered have been read-tested, both in the hospital and in the classroom.
Dr. Bill Davis says “This book aims to make a more detailed biblical case for the principles found in the 1988 PCA Report on Heroic Measures, and to give more practical guidance about how to apply those principles, especially in the hospital setting of today.”
To give you a flavor for the type of advice Dr. Davis gives, the heart of the instructions he left with his doctor is the desire not to have medical means used to keep him alive unless the means are humanly likely to restore to him the ability to enjoy “the ordinary means of grace”. He says this because, in his words, “The delight of reading God’s Word and hearing it preached, the unity found in taking the sacraments with other believers, the peace and involvement known in corporate prayer, and the thrill of singing God’s praises together with God’s people are more fulfilling to our whole selves than anything else on earth.”  
While the book tends to be pretty detailed, it is quite readable and full of very practical advice. One of the chapters include six true stories. In this chapter Dr. Davis sets up the end of life situation, then works through the situation asking the kinds of questions the person or loved ones ask. He gives several options for answers and discusses the pros and cons of each, with his suggested response.
The book includes study and discussion questions at the end of each chapter, but the real bonus is the free and extensive lesson plans for a four-class series available at the publishers (P&R Publishing) website.
What follows are a few more endorsements.
“This book combines mature biblical teaching with the brass-tacks practical questions that we all face with the death of loved ones. These are the things that we don’t usually think about until they happen. I highly recommend Departing in Peace as essential preparation.”  —Michael Horton, J. Gresham Machen Professor of Systematic Theology and Apologetics, Westminster Seminary California
“Dr. Davis is an exemplary teacher and guide. His personal experience with end-of-life issues and his experience as a guide to others are invaluable for those who want to be ready.”  —Richard R. Pesce, MD, MS (ethics), FCCP, FACP, Medical Director of Critical Care, Memorial Hospital, Chattanooga
“This book by Bill Davis fills a real gap in the literature. . . . Departing in Peace deserves to become the go-to book for those seeking solid guidance on difficult end-of-life decisions.”  —James N. Anderson, Associate Professor of Theology and Philosophy, Reformed Theological Seminary, Charlotte
“This book is a fine reflection on crucial issues of life and death. As we would expect from Bill Davis, it is careful, thoughtful, and biblical, and it will be genuinely helpful to families and pastors.”  —W. Robert Godfrey, Professor Emeritus of Church History, Westminster Seminary California

This book along with several other new books can be seen at Somethin's Brewin Coffee Shop in DeMotte. I also am always adding books to the list of recommended books at