A Vine Ripened Life is a welcome addition to what is
often only a mystical explanation of what it means to ‘abide in Christ’. It is
a clear explanation of what it means to not only abide in Christ, but to bear
abundant fruit.
One of the most useful sections of Stanley Gale’s
new book is found in Chapter 1 where he details the essence of abiding with
Christ. “Freedom from bondage to sin for
development of the fruit of the Spirit is forged by union with Christ” says
Stanley Gale. And that fruit is formed in reliance on the Holy Spirit who is now
at work in you, as you focus on the person and work of Jesus Christ by spending
time in his word, in prayer, and in fellowship with the Saints.
In this reviewer’s experience, the topic of our
union with Christ is often presented as only an objective reality. John Calvin
once wrote "We must understand that as long as Christ remains outside of
us, and we are separated from him, all that he has suffered and done for the
salvation of the human race remains useless and of no value for us....All that
he possesses is nothing to us until we grow into one body with him"
(Institutes, III.i.1). In A
Vine-Ripened Life, Stanley Gale makes it clear how abiding in Christ makes it
possible to experience the subjective side of the reality of our union with
Christ, bearing mature, abundant fruit that manifest itself in a distinctively
Christian character.
In chapter 2 Stanley Gale talks of the discipline of
the Father and how not to make light of it. He spells out how to recognize it,
value it and heed it.
Using personal stories and many biblical references,
the fruit of the Spirit is detailed in chapters 3-11. There is an additional
chapter on humility and the book ends with a very helpful chapter on grace.
I’ve read other books on Abiding in Christ,
including Andrew Murray’s classic work. In comparison, I find this book easier
to relate to and more engaging. I’ve
marked this book up so much – I need to purchase one to give away!
I received this book for free from Shepherd Press
via Cross Focused Reviews for this review. I was not required to write a positive
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