In our
day, Christians are much more apt to be familiar with Yoga and eastern
meditative practices than with biblical meditation. While some discerning Christians can utilize
the positive benefits of Yoga without becoming involved in unbiblical forms of
meditation, few really know how to engage in biblical meditation.
When I
researched the subject of biblical meditation several years ago, the best I
came up with is some good material by Edmund Clowney (Christian Meditation,
Reagent College Publishing) , but I did not find anything that helped me
overcome some of the hurdles in beginning a regular practice of biblical
meditation. Well, now I have it. The Puritans give me exactly what I need and
what you need to know and to engage profitably in the practice of biblical
author’s goal in writing this book is “to convince God’s people of the absolute
necessity of personal meditation.” His aim is to motivate and to teach people
how to do this in a biblical way. He
draws heavily on the scriptures and on the “rich spiritual experience of
Puritans who were committed to practicing spiritual meditation.”
Chapter 1
covers the importance of recovering the habit of biblical meditation. Drawing
on the Puritans he says “Divine meditation has a multifaceted value. It
provides us spiritual discernment; improves our Bible reading and prayer lives;
applies the general truths of the Bible personally and specifically;
strengthens our hearts by focusing on spiritual truths; and provides lasting
benefit from dwelling on the truths we know.” In this and later chapters he
adds much detail to these values.
Chapter 2
covers unbiblical forms of meditation. “Modern Christians have neglected the
biblical practice of meditation to such an extent that many believe the entire
practice is based in a pagan or Far Eastern religious concept. Certainly, when
people speak about meditation today, they usually are not referencing the
biblical practice. Thus, this chapter will identify and explain the common
false notions of meditation.”
Chapter 3
defines and examines biblical meditation in the Old Testament, the New
Testament and in the Puritans. I counted 42 Puritans in the Bibliography, so
this chapter is well documented with a generous number of quotes to clarify the
Puritan view.
Chapters 4
and 5 give definition to Occasional and Deliberate Meditation and spell out the
benefits, dangers and proper use of each.
Chapter 6
is one of the most useful chapters in the book. As the Puritans were always
quite detailed in their examination of things, so too are they in spelling out
how to practice meditation. What follows is an outline of chapter 6.
The Best Time of Day for Meditation
The Best Place for Meditation
The Amount of Time Necessary for
The Importance of Consistency in
Steps in Beginning Effective
Praying for the Spirit’s Help for Fervency
a Scriptural Thought by Bible Reading
Considering, and Examining Oneself
with Personal Application, Resolution, and Prayer
Chapter 7
has extended discussions on important occasions for meditation.
Chapter 8
provides needed help in choosing subjects for meditation.
Chapter 9
is a very convincing chapter exploring the reasons why each believer should be
regularly meditating upon God, His Word, and His works.
Chapter 10
considers eight benefits and blessings of cultivating a life of meditation.
Chapter 11
identifies the impediments and hindrances to meditation and gives suggestions
for overcoming them.
Chapter 12
gets you started in developing the habit of meditation.
In the
Conclusion author David Saxton takes a look at how the practice of meditation
in the Christian life becomes a joy rather than a burden
Bibliography is a wonderful resource of primary and secondary Puritan Sources.
One of the
strengths of this book is its fair and detailed handling of unbiblical forms of
meditation, particularly Roman Catholic Spirituality, mysticism and
contemplative prayer. While the following quote is rather long, it is worth
further caution should be made regarding a more recent, popular movement within
broad evangelical circles called contemplative worship or prayer. Similar to
traditional Roman Catholic mysticism, contemplative prayer is an unbiblical
form of meditation that seeks a spiritual experience through some kind of
existential encounter with God apart from His written revelation. Though not a
new danger, many evangelicals have begun to fall prey to the false idea of
maintaining spiritual communion with the Lord apart from His ordained means of
the Bible and prayer. The contemplative prayer movement seeks to experience
God’s voice apart from His written Word. This movement is a product of a larger
evangelical departure from an absolute conviction in the sufficiency of
Scripture. It does not use Scripture alone to address the spiritual needs of
the inner person. These various fads of spirituality that minimize Scripture
have come and gone over the centuries, but truth remains the same: “O how love
I thy law! It is my meditation all the day” (Ps. 119:97) and “Thy word is a
lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path” (Ps. 119:105). We should heed the
counsel of Thomas Manton: “Do not try to pry further than God hath revealed;
your thoughts must be still bounded by the word. There is no duty that a
fanatic brain is more apt to abuse than meditation…. Do not leave bread and
wine and gnaw upon a stone.””
As the publisher says: “With the rich experiential theology of the Puritans, this book lays out a course for enjoying true meditation on God’s Word.”