LIVE is a 5 session DVD course with participant
workbook intended to help new Christians, non-Christians and confused
Christians start and mature in the Christian life. This material is part of 3
sequenced courses with the titles LIVE, GROW and KNOW. The sessions on the DVD
are downloadable from the web using the key provided in the DVD case. The
download is not intuitive, as you must right click on the video stream to ‘save
video as’ in order to download it.
A Leader’s Guide (downloadable) is helpful in
organizing either a 90 minute or 60 minute class. It gives a good summary of
the theme of each session. The session titles are:
- How
Do I Know It is Real? (based on John 20:19-31)
- What
is the Good News? (based on John 3:1-18)
- Is
It Worth IT? (based on Luke 9:18-36)
- A
Time For Commitment? (based on Acts 9:1-19)
- New
Life in Christ. (based on John 15:1-13)
About two-thirds of each session is devoted to bible
study and discussion. The DVD is shown 3 times during the session, with the
suggested sequence as follows
- Social Time
- DVD - Introduction
- Read Historical Context section of guide
- Bible Study
- Live What You Learn – a series of questions
to help you connect with the bible lesson
- DVD – Following Jesus – Becky Pippert
talks about the main themes
- DVD – Real Stories – People sharing the
story of how they came to Christ or stories of the Christian life
- Praying Together.
The Participant Guide has a section called ‘Going
Deeper’ which is a fairly good section for use in between sessions, but not
required for the study itself. The Leader’s
Guide would be a lot more useful if it had suggested answers to the questions
in the Participant Guide. There are some useful resources for each session
listed in the back of the Participant Guide.
I think the course would be useful for the stated
participants, but its value will depend a great deal on the discussion leader
and his/her ability to answer the questions in the guidebook.
I received this resource for free from The Good Book
Company via Cross Focused Reviews for this review. I was not required to write
a positive review.