This book is for either the person who trusts the Bible and
can’t explain why or for the person who doesn’t trust the Bible and can explain
why. The book contains a clearly laid
out, well-orchestrated line of thought with clear examples.
For the first person, this book provides a nice framework
for thinking about the reliability of the bible. It claims
to be God’s word (2 chapters), it seems to
be God’s word (2 chapters) and it proves
to be God’s word (1 chapter). Using this
skeleton to frame the answer to the question raised in the book title, a
believer is able to remember and explain to an unbeliever why the Bible is
reliable and trustworthy.
The person who doubts the Bible is trustworthy likely has
one or two reasons why. Is this case it is fairly easy to search through the
book and find the reasons addressed. The author has put many of the common
reasons people give for not trusting the Bible, in sidebars.
While the book is very short (a small book with 81 pages),
it really is substantial and fairly complete. I especially liked the section
that explained why the Old Testament books and New Testament books are not in
chronological order. I don’t ever
remember reading such a clear and concise explanation.
Even if you already trust the Bible, this book is worth
reading. It is a wonderful, short, concise and accessible introduction to the
Bible and it’s reliability. It is one of
those books that has explanations worth memorizing and meditating upon. If you were to read only one book on this
topic, this is it.
I received this book
free from The Good Book Company via Cross Focused Reviews for this review. I
was not required to write a positive review.