Unknowingly perhaps an author makes his book much more useful
than the purpose for which he writes.
And that is what makes this book so valuable even if you are not
particularly interested in the age old debate about whether God heals
miraculously today or not.
I found the book helpful in illustrating the usefulness of
Biblical Theology over Systematic Theology, where the bible’s storyline of redemption
affects the way we understand how to answer the question of miraculous healing. In a carefully orchestrated way, Blackwell lays
out the story of God’s redeeming a people that provides the appropriate context
for answering the question. The setting is cosmological rather than the American
culture of individualism.
His section on Basic bible boundaries and rules provides a
very helpful reminder that he will approach the answer to this question using
careful exegisis, hermeneutics and homiletics. He even tells us in plain
language what these terms mean.
In a loving way he makes clear the difference between
Pentecostal/charismatic and reformed evangelical thought on this issue and
addresses the difference.
In answering this much debated question Blackwell is to
clear about underlying assumptions, makes clear the context for answering the
question, makes clear what bias he has, elaborates on relevant personal experience
and makes clear the methodology for arriving at an answer.
Near the end Blackwell says:
“ My hope is that this small book might encourage … those who
undergo great personal struggles, and help them recapture and redirect their
focus so that they might once again testify that God’s grace is perfectly
sufficient and his power made perfect, even through our weakness”
This he has done by reminding us our hope is ultimately on
the sovereignty of God and the work on our behalf of Christ on the cross and
the certainty of our salvation that will be complete at the last day. The book ends with that great quote from 1
Peter 1:3-9.